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How to choose the material and decoration style of the glass partition?

For the decoration of office glass partition walls, it is very important to choose materials well. Good materials play a certain role in the performance of the project after the completion of the project and the smoothness of the project installation. At the same time, the waste of resources can also be reduced.

Choose consumables according to the style of the office, and pay attention to the unity of the overall style. A good office glass partition can not only show a good image of the company, but also greatly beautify the indoor environment.

Do the same glass partition wall, each project will be different. How high the partition should be, and which style to choose are all particular. Since the glass partition is not functional, it is necessary to pay attention to the difference and unity of the height of the partition. In addition, the color of the partition should also be consistent with the overall style of the office, and must not affect the overall layout.

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